God Acts … in Creation

Our foundational beliefs are based in the fact that God acts.  We’ve briefly examined how God acts in miracles and providence.  Now let’s see how God acts in the doctrine of Creation.

Genesis chapter one is the documentation of God bringing everything into being “that has come into being” (1 John 1:3).   So while miracles and providence display God’s extraordinary involvement in history and the world today, and His Lordship in this temporary place, “creation” demonstrates God’s Lordship before the beginning of time.

Another foundational belief of the church is how God made everything we see now out of nothing, or “ex nihilo” [latin].  This belief is hard to grasp since humans naturally have a difficult time comprehending eternity past or future, we are so focused on the now.  So think of it this way.  In “the beginning” when God created the heavens and earth (Genesis 1:1), there was nothing but God Himself, and the hosts of heaven.

Two important issues arise with the belief of God’s creative power.  First, God did not create the world out of an uncreated substance or “stuff.”

An artist in the world today must have materials such as clay, paint or canvas on an easel.  Yet, God used no material.  For the artist to do what God did, it would mean the human artist made not only the statue itself, but the rock from which it was carved.

Since the Bible clearly teaches God made everything (in the heavens, the earth, and the sea), there was no uncreated substance out of which God created the world.

Second, God did not make the world out of Himself.  This world is not God, not divine.  According to the Bible, God is the Creator, and the world is His creation.  This is why we worship God alone, and worship nothing in this world.  Some forms of Eastern religions, as well as much current Western New Age teachings, suggest we ourselves are God… but this is false teaching.

Now here’s the thing.

Ex Nihilo, (out of nothing) is critically important, not just because it demonstrates God’s power in action, but also as an analogy of Salvation.  The redemption of humanity and God’s creation is the ultimate long-term goal. [see 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:10]

In the same way God created the world out of nothing, brought light out of darkness, God brought His people from sin into righteousness and from hopelessness into the assurance of His great love.

2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

Today a typical controversy continues… how long it actually took God to create this world.  Many believe God created everything in a literal six, twenty-four hour, days.  Others hold that the “days” of Genesis were longer periods of time like geologic ages.  This is called the “day-age” theory.  And yet some people believe Genesis 1 as a whole is figurative or just a general idea of God’s creative power with no chronology at all.

The simple truth is, we’ll miss the point of studying creation if we get bogged down in the “how long it took” debate.

God acts.  He is LORD in real time now, because He has always been LORD, demonstrated in His power to create this world we live in today.  He created us, and all we see.

He deserves to be called LORD, and worshiped as LORD of ALL.

So, if God did not use an unknown “substance or stuff” to create, how are we even here?

Good question!

Next time we will introduce God’s eternal DECREES.


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Forged For His Glory

Daily Post:  Create


Almost every cell in the human body has the same DNA.  Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms.  For an animated video on the basics of DNA, genes, and heredity, click HERE.  I’m not a biologist, nor a scientist, but I have a working knowledge of DNA.  After all, I’ve watched enough episodes of CSI, and NCSI, I feel like an expert.  No, let’s be “real,” I know nothing more than what I learned in college Biology 101, which as I recalled I had to take twice. Ugh.

That said, those who adhere to the Big Bang Theory poke fun at creation, or creationist’s philosophies, beliefs, and proofs associated with a growing movement known as “intelligent design.”  Stephen Meyer emerged as a leader in this movement, and serves as the director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute.   In an article published by Biola Magazine, Meyer commented on these questions in the interview:

  • When it comes to evolution, what type of evolution do you agree with and what type do you deny?
  • How old do you think the universe is?
  • Do you affirm the Big Bang?
  • One of the big unanswered questions you see in the theory of evolution concerns the origin of the information needed to build the first living thing.  How do the Darwinists answer that question.
  • What would be your main argument for the evidence of intelligent design in the cell?
  • Your book talks a lot about information and you find parallels between a software program and our DNA.  Do you think the ideas in your book about programming and programmers would even have been conceivable to readers trying to understand intelligent design a generation ago?
  • What is “specified  complexity,” an how does it play into your argument?
  • 11 more questions followed… for the answers, and links to his books click HERE

I suspect for the large majority of my readers, you may have checked out by the third or forth question.  It seems tedious and highly technical.  I get it.  Just for fun, read a couple of the answers, and you’ll discover why the discussion of Intelligent Design (ID) is so controversial, at least to the Darwin collective.

The authority in my life is not Stephen Meyer, although I did find the article interesting.  The authority in my life is God.  I’ve yielded myself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Jesus proclaimed that the written WORD of Scripture is authoritative for all instruction.  The Holy Spirit leads us into wisdom and understanding when we read the Bible.  So does the Bible speak regarding Creation?  Yes, yes it does.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Chapter 1 in Genesis is captioned, “The Creation” in my Bible.  Chapter 2 is captioned, “The Creation of Man and Woman.”  The New Testament tells the same story in a rather shortened version of only 2 verses, rather 2 chapters.

John 1:1-2
In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God.  He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 

So, regarding Creation, why did God create us?

Isaiah 43:7
Everyone who is called by My name, and whom I have created for My glory, whom I have formed, even who I have made.

Every living creature or plant, each having their own unique DNA, were created by God, for God’s glory. Some obstinately refuse the Biblical account, would call the Creator – The intelligent Designer, rather than God.  In so doing they rob God of His glory.

Romans 11:36
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.  To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

Why did God create us?

To experience His grace every single day, and to extend His glory to the ends of the world.  The creator designed us this way, all the way down to our DNA.

I’m all in.



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