Mind Control?

Anyone… and I do mean anyone… can observe what is going on today, and remain calm, rational, logical, and peaceful.  But this is a choice.  And this choice once made, requires certain actions on the part of the person who desires peace in the middle of this chaos.

The media and those who want to politicize this pandemic want to control your mind with a constant diet of infection projections, death projections, causing you to think you are next.  Not might be. That YOU are next.  They want you to live in fear.  This agenda is straight out of the pit of hell, because Satan wants you to live in fear.  Satan wants to rob you of peace, and the joy of your salvation.  Whether knowingly or not, those who usher into your mind all these fear factors, are doing the work of Satan to control or destroy your mind.

I recently read about 5 visible effects of Mind Control:

  • Isolation
  • Moody Behavior
  • Metacommunication
  • NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
  • Uncompromising Rules

Yes, I know, I’m taking a chance here.  But I promise this is not going to be a technical discussion… I’m offering tangible and applicable ways for you to fight against this mind control effort.

We are isolated (1)… causing moody behavior (2).

We are being told that using “the Chinese Virus” is racist and xenophobic. (3 – Metacommunication)

We listen to phrases in the reporting process like, “could be as many as 2 million deaths in the USA.” (4 – Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

We are sheltering in place under penalty of law. (5 – Uncompromising rules)

Now what can we do to combat these mind control efforts?

Many years ago as a young boy, I learned an acrostic (A.C.T.S.) that helps me in times like these. Before I walk through that remember what the Apostle Paul instructed the church in Rome, and us today…

ESV-Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

A – adoration

Turn your thoughts to adoring the Savior, Jesus Christ.  Know that His claim to be God is true.  Which makes His claim to have Sole Authority over ALL things true as well.  He is worthy of our praise.  He deserves to be worshiped and adored.

C – confession

Confess to Jesus you are afraid.  Confess that all these statistics and modeling and projections of infection and death are getting to you.  Of course Jesus already knows this, but when you tell Him, you are recognizing His claim to know it ahead of time, and that makes it safe to say it out loud.

T – thanksgiving

Think about how this progression works.  When you take the time to worship and adore Jesus for being in control, through His sole authority; then take the time to confess these things you can’t control make you fearful… this frees up your mind to simply ease away from the fear and say “Thank YOU for being in Control!”  Thank God today for all the first responders, for our national guard, for leaders that are doing everything they can do to get us through this WAR with COVID-19.  Thank God for the home you live in.  Thank God for the family around you.  Thank God for friends you still have, but from a distance.  Thank God there is still enough toilet paper to go around.  (Did you smile? I know you did!)

S – supplication

About now, if you have followed through with a dedicated to choice to fight against the mind control… you are fully engaged in the spiritual war around us.  I’m sure you have a list of people that you are thinking about during this time.  I’m sure you have been praying for them already.  But what about those not on your list?  Why not ask God to open your eyes to see a need you haven’t seen before?  Why not ask Jesus to give you some insight on how you can make a difference in this world under attack?  Do you get where I’m going here?  It’s not about you.  Each of us have our own needs, and I am not trying to minimize any of that.  But in times like these, we must come together.  We must support each other.  We must get away from the mind control games of the world, and meet needs.  God will help us do that, if we ask Him how we personally can be involved.

What is the RESULT of this simple exercise?  What does God promise?

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
ESV – Isaiah 26:3

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
ESV –Philippians 4:7

Abundant peace belongs to those who love Your instruction; nothing can make them stumble.
ESV –Psalm 119:165

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. For the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and He also has become my salvation.
ESV –Isaiah 12:2

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
ESV –Isaiah 9:6

We serve a Mighty God!  He is the PRINCE of PEACE!

How about just one feel good story, about how we come together to meet other’s needs?

Did you hear the one about the Dr. going home after work, getting stopped by an officer for doing 85 in a 70 mph zone?

Oh… this is good.  When you read it, just see it as God at Work… maybe He wants to use you, in a peaceful state of mind, to reach someone today.

Click here for the story.


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